The ancient Greeks (Zeno, Seneca, Epiktet) introduced the philosophical principles of Stoicism, mainly to propose better leadership manners to the leaders of their peoples.
The Stoic principles can be explained in 9 theorems:
- Know what is really important (for your community, your state). Focus on that.
- Focus on clear goals and preparation to achieve them.
- Be wise and creative in accomplishing your tasks, even when the obstacles seem high.
- Be humble: be strict with yourself and tolerant of others.
- Be modest in speech, dress, and lifestyle. This will help you focus on the really important work for the community and not be distracted.
- Listening is more important than speaking.
- Be kind, communicative, and fair.
- Real courage is to serve the community.
- A man’s character determines his destiny.
When you read these theorems, you can easily see how relevant they are to modern leadership in business, politics, and personal life. If you are in a position to make important decisions about people, money, real estate, natural resources, etc., you should always be aware that this is only a loaned power that will end at the end of your reign or elected term.
So stay humble and focus on serving your community, organization, state. Do not make deals with the dark side of power that end up being corrupted and bribed just to accumulate personal wealth.
To be rich is not to accumulate great wealth, but to want les
s (Epictetus).
Do not procrastinate; live each day as if it were your last on earth.
Be neither aggressive nor passive.
Do not have different standards for your professional and private life: keep them in balance.
Do not criticize other people’s transgressions; concentrate on your own work for the community.
Do not worry about how others see you, but rather align your view of things with theirs. (Isn’t it crazy that we love ourselves more than others, but value the opinion of others more than our own?)
Always practice these 4 virtues: discipline, courage, righteousness, and wisdom. In everything you do.
Source/Inspiration: Interview with Ryan Holiday in wiwo, 11 December 2023