REAKTOR: we kick-off Batch #2
We are happy to invite you to our application kick off Meetup introducing the REAKTOR.BERLIN program to startup founders who want to apply for the next upcoming batch which starts June 2021.
REAKTOR.BERLIN (https://reaktor.berlin) is a 6-month program supported by the European Social Fund and the Senate of Berlin for pre-seed startups based in Berlin. It is conceived and implemented by Startups.Berlin.
Within the meetup, you will:
┓learn about the program and the application timeline
┓meet our team and startups of the first batch
┓get an overview on the eligibility criteria to benefit from the Berlin Startup Scholarship
┓get the chance to ask your questions about the program
Don’t miss this great opportunity !
SIGN UP HERE https://reaktorberlin.typeform.com/to/yjLsrFI6
4PM: Welcome
4:05 PM: Introduction of the program (Team/ Our offer)
4:20PM: Testimonials: Startups (Nana, Bl1tzr)
4:30 PM: Application process and criteria
4:40 PM : Q/A Sessions
5:00 PM : End
We are looking forward to meeting you 🙂