VRBLN: Reboot Meet-up

We are back with a refreshed crew for our 10-year anniversary at the mdh!
- Enjoy listening to interesting speakers, trying out new demos and meeting familiar and new XR folks.
- Get nostalgic about the first Oculus Development Kit and discuss if Mixed Reality or AI driven experiences will be the next big thing.
- We also will reflect on the evolution of Virtual Reality and the VRBLN meetup in the last 10 years, gain insight into current developments and peek into what the future holds!
- Music, AI & Virtual Worlds, Portrait XO: Portrait XO
- GPTChat driven NPC Interaction in VR, Tore Knabe: https://tore-knabe.com/virtual-reality/
- 10 Years VRBLN Meetup History & Outlook, Alexander Grobe, https://vrbln.de
- Portrait XO | https://portraitxo.space/Info
- Laser Limbo by Nico Uthe | https://www.freeroam.ar/
- Mixed Reality VR History Showroom on Quest 3
- Mixed Reality Demos on Lynx-R1
We love to see what you are creating. Email demo@vrbln.de to propose your showcase!
When you attend the event, you agree to this code of conduct:
Drinks and insurance are covered by our logo sponsors Berlin Partner and Cluster IKT, Medien und Kreativwirtschaft Berlin Brandenburg. Location sponsor mdh Mediadesign Hochschule.
Register here.